Tuesday, June 21, 2005

It started about a month ago.
I posted one of my usual rants/ genius observations on a political BBS, when someone accused me of repeating Republican talking points.

I'm okay with that. I understand that democrats really don't think that Republicans can think for themselves.

So I'm making it easier for them to read my posts. I'm "letting them know" up front that I'm "repeating what Karl Rove told me to say."

If you think my posts are brilliant, credit me, knowing that I'm only at the bidding of that evil genius. If you think I'm off base, pity me for merely repeating what my master said. -And if you are actually Karl Rove, then you're having one hell of a laugh now, just as you've been having for the past 5 years.

My real name is John. I am a 40 year old Republican who lives in Chicago. I volunteered for the Republican party for the first time last year, after CBS defended an obviously forged memo for a week. That astounded me. The reaction of Democrats confounded me then, and the actions of Democrats disturbs me today.

I start this blog as a source of information for Republicans. I trust that it will keep me honest when I'm wrong. I want to amuse you, inform you, and make you think. -And if you are a Democrat, and I score a bullseye, don't worry. Its just Karl Rove at work again.
