Thursday, January 21, 2010

Brown is the new Red White & Blue

I didn't cry when Brown was elected, but I did get very very emotional.

Its funny, because I realize that my emotions were a mirror of what the left felt when Obama was elected. For a long time, the left felt as if no one was listening to them. They thought that the right was able to do 'whatever they wanted', unfettered, and that they had no voice.

Which is pretty much how the right has felt about the democrats in charge for the past year.

If you had told me 5 years ago that some day a democrat politician would get into office and
  • spend $787 Billion for a 'stimulus' bill
  • take control of some banks and part of the auto industry
  • actually pay consumers if they destroyed their old gas-hogging cars to buy new 'green' cars
  • attempt to take over the health care insurance industry which was making 4% profits, and call them greedy
I'd call you a victim of right wing paranoid conspiracy theories.
Yet, here we are.

So I realize that here I am, the mirror image of where the left was a year ago. Except, I don't get to say that my election was historic because a black man was not elected into office. It was just another 'old white guy'. But considering how much the left has been pushing the takeover of health care, and how most of the country opposes it... I can't help but feel relieved. It was a loud message to Democrats. Here's hoping that they actually hear that message, instead of trying to re-define it into something that they want it to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look for a major adjustment, as in a Republican sweep, in the 2010 Congressional elections. That is the first opportunity voters get to correct the mistake they made by electing Barack Obama as president.

Thanks Brown...please show us you do stand for the voice of the people, not only Massachusettes, but of Americans throughout what was once a better country.