Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Talking Points Memo on Democratic Talking Points

TPM is one of those groups who thinks that the only reason why Obamacare has a bad rap is because they aren't pushing the message right.
They say:
Last summer, members were caught unprepared and were faced with angry voters, loud protests and televised meetings that portrayed them in many cases as fumbling and unsure of how to talk about a bill that didn't actually exist yet.

Its kind of a blunt assessment from a blog that before blamed the chaos on Tea Party members yelling. Now they admit that congress critters didn't know what they were saying.

The Democrats actually put out a whole set of Talking Points for their lemmings... er.. congresspeople, to mimic. If you want to ask them a question, be prepared to hear a pre-recorded message.

A sample of what is on the web page:

CBO Score:

Never let it be said that I won't publish the same crap the Democrats are pushing.
Let's take one talking point, from 'four key points':
Is fully paid for – costs $940 billion over a decade. (Americans spend nearly $2.5 trillion each year on health care now and nearly two-thirds of the bill is paid for by reducing health care costs).

It is not fully paid for. The only way it could possibly be paid for is if they reduce medicare by $500 billion over ten years. Who believes that they would do that? They also pay for it by taxing anyone who doesn't get health care insurance.

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