Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kagan's paper on Socialism

There are an awful lot of people in the Obama administration that seem to have socialist tendencies.
But when Obama nominated Elena Kagan, who would have guessed that she had written her thesis entitled "To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City 1900-1913", when she attended Princeton?

Doug Ross gives a great 'best of' highlight breakdown of her paper. It is true that there is nothing in her paper that says that socialism is awesome. However, I think that Doug's blog gives you a good idea of how her thesis makes it sound like she's a fan.

Left Coast Rebel does a good job of summarizing what she wrote in one paragraph.

I also love reading her actual editorials. You see, Kagan used to be an editor for her college newspaper. So you can get a feel for what she felt by reading her editorials from the time.
Or you can actually read this editorial that she wrote:

The real contests for Congress and the state legislatures occurred in early September, when the Democratic primary was held. And the people who won those races and who then took the November elections with some 80 per cent of the vote were real Democrats — not the closet Republicans that one sees so often these days but men and women committed to liberal principles and motivated by the ideal of an affirmative and compassionate government.

Gag. Me.
To her credit, she was a dumb college student at the time.

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