Thursday, June 16, 2011

Obama campaign "misleads" in video

ABC News reports that Obama's 2012 campaign is trying to mislead its minions in their latest video. The video is reportedly a compilation of issues that the Republicans talked about in the latest debate. However...
...the video, which Messina calls a “highlight reel” and the DNC titled “What in the world are they talking about?” selectively uses clips from the 2-hour forum suggesting that the candidates were focused on idiotic issues, or battles from the past, when all of the topics the video hammers the Republicans for talking about were ones they were asked about at the forum.

Huh... the DNC is dishonest? When did that happen?
Here's the video, below.

If you want to compare that to what they were actually asked about... watch the CNN video. The debate actually starts 2:15 in:

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