Saturday, July 09, 2011

"Misinformed" viewers believe that Republicans were against TARP, and are correct

Earlier, I wrote about how Jon Stewart can't admit that he was wrong about Fox News viewers being the most "misinformed" viewers.
I did a bunch of research on one of Fox News' rivals, and applied the same standard that Jon Stewart did. Which I thought was kinda brilliant.

Shortly after that, a number of people all started using the same argument that Politifact used (a few of) the wrong studies. That there was a thin difference between being 'misinformed' and not knowing what the facts were.
If one person had come to this conclusion, I'd chalk it up to one person splitting hairs. But it wasn't one person. It was a herd of Dems.
So I googled, and came up with the FireDogLake post that seems to be the source of it all:
...The three Pew polls measure how informed viewers are. They don’t even belong in the discussion, because they don’t go to Stewart’s point.

Let's go back to Stewart's point:

Who are the most consistently misinformed media viewers? … Fox viewers, consistently, every poll.

If we constrain our definition of "misinformed media viewers" to the FireDogLake version of what Stewart meant, then we're not talking about 'every poll'. We're talking about one polling service: PIPA.
Moreover, we're talking about what PIPA asked people, and what PIPA felt was 'misinformation.'
I ran into this study before, which is why I wanted to focus on it. A lot of the questions are subjective, but no question was more wrong in my opinion then this one:
When TARP came up for a vote most Republicans opposed it
I already addressed this one a while back. So let's go over the votes for TARP:

The first vote on the bailout was September 29th, and the final tally is as follows:




The second vote on the bailout was October 3rd, and that tally is as follows:





NOTE: the second vote, while not initially appearing to be connected to TARP, does have TARP bootstrapped onto it. Read the text.

Now keep in mind, PIPA said that Fox viewers were 'misinformed' if they believed that most of the Republicans were against TARP.
How do they form that opinion?
Wait. Let's do this. Suppose you asked viewers who supported TARP more, dems or reps?
What do you suppose the vast majority of MSNBC viewers would say? I'm going to jump into the pool and suggest that their 'misinformation' rating would go way, way, way up, along with those who listen to NPR.

I wonder if PIPA would ask that question?

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