Thursday, September 20, 2012

Obama campaign American flag with Barack's logo replacing the stars

From the land of You've-Got-To-Be-Fucking-Kidding-Me???

What would you say if I told you that the Obama campaign took the US flag and replaced the stars with the Obama logo?
You'd think I was full of shit, and that I made it up.  Right?
Because only a cult would do something that dumb.

Well guess what?  Its a fucking cult.  Here's a screen grab:

Honestly... if I was at a meeting of Republicans and you told me that this had happened , I'd tell you to go check on Snopes, because you'd been had.
If I hadn't taken a look at it myself, I would have never believed it.
Remember when this happened, and they told us that it wasn't really authorized by the campaign?

Its a cult.
Say it with me:
Its a cult.

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