Monday, January 14, 2013

Two Chairs

When I was young, I always wondered about people who had to have the biggest chair.  There was something that felt very insecure about it.

So when I heard that then candidate Barack had this on his chair, it struck me as arrogant and insecure at the same time:

What makes someone who is running for President decide that they need a chair that says President?
Keep that thought in mind as you view this image from the White House press office:

Dude... you're President of the United States.  Did you really think that you needed a plaque on your chair just to make sure that everyone else knew who the fuck you were?
Or was this a history thing that happens to every chair in the White House?
"Okay... we got a new chair for the new president.  Let's put a plaque on it with the inaugeration date.  Ugh."

However you look at it, it feels... desperate.  Insecure & arrogant at the same time.
Hey, this is my fucking chair.  I'm the president.  Get it?

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