Showing posts with label AGW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AGW. Show all posts

Sunday, December 14, 2014

When tornadoes don't strike, like they're supposed to

You've heard it before: our temperature increases, and it results in more extreme weather.  The IPCC has been talking about this for... forever. In 2007, NASA told us that Global Warming would bring about more tornadoes.
ThinkProgress dumbly echoed this last year.
(Sidenote; I'm being redundant when I say that ThinkProgress dumbly did anything.)

Of course, the AGW crowd has also been talking about 50 million people being displaced by 2011 as a result of global warming, and that never happened either.

With all of that in mind, USAToday just told us that the last 3 years have had the lowest amount of tornadoes on record.
The U.S. experienced fewer tornadoes in the past three years than any similar span since accurate records began in the 1950s. Yet meteorologists aren't sure exactly why.

Once again, the AGW scientists confidently predict doom and gloom... but when it doesn't happen.  Well. Its most likely because of....