Showing posts with label Chicago. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicago. Show all posts

Monday, September 27, 2010

Brietbart confront activists at Right Nation

I want to work for Andrew Brietbart.
He seems to be the only one in the US willing to stand up to anyone and just ask the right questions. I love, love, love this video:

If you have a friend who is on the left, ask them to watch this video, and get their reaction.
If they tell you that it doesn't matter, because the source of the video seems to be on the right... then ask them why they believe the videos that portray Tea Party activists as ignorant.
Thanks to Founding Bloggers for the video.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tax Protest in Chicago, and CNN

I was at this protest in Chicago, when I heard a group of people shouting "CNN, go home!"

I didn't know what it was about. In truth, I thought it was a really bad move on their part. Its just bad PR to tell a media agency to 'go home'.
Then I saw the video on this page.

The reporter was unprofessional, and lost her shit. I don't know Susan Roesgen. I want to give her the benifit of the doubt. But when I saw this video, I understood why my fellow protesters were yelling for CNN to go home. Particularly when she started telling the protester that he should be happy because Obama was providing him with tax breaks. She didn't get what the protest was about.... at all.
Bad reporting. Fail.