Showing posts with label Goldline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goldline. Show all posts

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A very short history of the attack on Goldline

Its started with Color Of Change, and then moved to Media Matters.

Go to Media Matters and punch in the search term "Goldline". You'll get 9 pages of hits.

Most of them are labeled "So, who's still advertising on Beck?"
This is one of the first pages where they did this, back in August of 2009. They've been doing it nonstop for a year.

Media Matters for America has compiled a list of companies that did run ads on Glenn Beck this evening (August 26) in the order they appeared:

Goldline, of course, was on that list.

Here's one page on Media Matters that starts the 'Glenn Beck is trying to get you to buy gold' narrative. The money quote?
Eighty advertisers have reportedly dropped their ads from Beck's Fox News program since he called President Obama a "racist" who has a "deep-seated hatred of white people." The gold companies are among the last ones that still want to be associated with Beck.
Today, they got their reward.

Never let it be said that Media Matters holds back on the greedy people narrative. To their credit, Media Matters did not say anything about Shekels.

This narrative has continued for a year now.

Another page I've found along the way is from SEIU.
SEIU is one of Beck's favorite targets. Who woulda guessed that they'd start aiming at his show too?

Let's be clear about what the attack on Goldline is really about: the far left trying to shut Beck up.
Remember what Media Matters wrote a while back:
The gold companies are among the last ones that still want to be associated with Beck.

Well. We can't have that... can we?