Showing posts with label Santelli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santelli. Show all posts

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Santelli gets it right... again

Santelli was the guy who made the original call for a new Tea Party.
In the discussion about the debt, he gets it right yet again...

Yes, Santelli... stop spending!
A few very relevant points are made in this video. But the most important one is this, as stated:
In August, we will have $203 billion of revenue.
We will also have $362 worth of bills.

Now lets just think about that for a second. Suppose you had a company, and you were taking in $2.03 for every $3.62 spent. Wouldn't you take a serious look at your spending?
Of course you would.

Why is that so antithetical to the US government?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Santelli sums it all up, politely

Okay, maybe not politely.
But he's saying what I've been screaming for about 2 years now, ever since a Democratic congress passed the first TARP:

Thank you, Santelli, for not being polite about it anymore. Since the dumb idiots in office won't listen anymore, maybe you can get the point through.

Barack spent $787 Billion dollars, and then said that he couldn't cut the budget. He passed a health care bill that cost roughly a trillion, and then said that he was going to be a deficit hawk.
C'mon man.
The debt is now 2.5 Trillion more then it was when he came into office.
Stop spending.