Showing posts with label crumbling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crumbling. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Obama on the ever dying roads and bridges

In October of 2008, candidate Obama told us that we needed to fix our crumbling infrastructure.  We had too many "roads and bridges" that needed repair.
What was needed was some kind of... stimulus...

So naturally, being sheep, we passed a nearly $800 BILLION stimulus program that included about $400 BILLION of spending to fix our roads and bridges.
Oh wait.
Who am I kidding?
This is the democrat party. If you solve a problem, you can't come back a few years later and repeat what the problem is, and say that you need to spend money on it.
"There are so many roads and bridges waiting to be repaired, and rebuilt..."

Well hell. At least after that money was spent, we were able to finally fix our roads and bridges problem.
Okay... we FINALLY got the roads and bridges problem fixed.
Oh fuck.

In any other presidency, the president would get called out for constantly repeating the same refrain in an effort to get more spending.
Not this guy. Not this president.
He's special.
We know that, because he appears on late night television shows, sports broadcasts, and basically anywhere that you can find a camera.
But he has a point. We need to spend money on roads, bridges, and anything else that will help us transport people from one part of the country to another. Perhaps we could go about putting a special agency, and fund it every year with the express purpose of doing those things. We could call it... I dunno... a Transportation Department?
Yes, a Department of Transportation!
We could fund it every year, and task it with the job of taking care of such things.  And since its a government department, it will do an amazing job of taking care of such things!  And maybe we could give it roughly $70 billion dollars a year to play with, just to build roads and bridges?

If only such a thing existed, our president wouldn't have to keep insisting that our roads and bridges crumble ever couple of years...