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Sunday, June 17, 2012

President Obama on enforcing immigration, March 2011

I'm sure he has a good reason for this.
Like... well, there were 3 branches of government.... but I didn't like 2 of them.

Background: watch this video

Okay... got all of that? Seems pretty straightforward, yes? The president said that we can't just ignore the laws that he doesn't like. That he has to enforce them.

Cut to this Wapo article:

President Obama said Friday his administration would stop deporting some illegal immigrants who were brought to the country as children and have gone on to be productive and otherwise law-abiding residents, forcing the emotional immigration policy debate into the forefront of the presidential campaign.

But wait... there's more...

The change was not imposed by executive order. Instead, it effectively extends an existing policy of “prosecutorial discretion,” in which immigration officials last year were instructed to prioritize the removal of felons, repeat border crossers and others considered to be security risks. Officials said the government would continue its aggressive enforcement policies but with greater care not to remove young people who came as children.

So... its the same thing. But different.
Come the fuck on.
Can we be adults for a moment here? Mr President, you completely reversed the position you held earlier... that you can't change enforcement of laws that you don't like.