Showing posts with label recap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recap. Show all posts

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Recapping, Obama to date

Dear Democrats,

You guys wore t-shirts with your politician's face on them a little bit more then a year ago.

You guys were THAT PROUD of him, because he told you that he would be out of Gitmo within months, that he'd leave Iraq right away, that he wouldn't use 'unconstitutional' signing statements, that he'd "sunshine" bills for several days online before voting on them, that he would pass a health care bill that would NOT make insurance mandatory (and that would make it cheaper!), and that he would not let careless offsea drilling occur.

We're still in Iraq.
Gitmo is still open.
Unconstitutional signing statements were signed within months of him taking office.
He blew off that sunshining BS right away.
The health care bill will not only make things more expensive, but its mandatory for you to have insurance now.
The #1 recipient of BP contributions (Barack) got rid of a decades old long ban on offshore drilling, and a year and a half into his administration, the worst oil spill ever has occurred.

I'm not writing this because I'm angry at you, or because I wanted the president to do those things. I'm just trying to remind you of how gullible you were for a nice sounding story, and 'hoping' that you won't fall for rhetoric again.

There were enough alarm bells going off with Barack before the election that you should have taken a second look at him. Here we are, a year and a half in, and roughly 44% of voters strongly disapprove of him.

Please, please, please... take a moment before you go to the ballot box the next time. I know you didn't like Bush. But this is the thing: the reason why Republicans liked him is because he did things that Republicans liked.
Can you say the same thing about Barack?
Will you please look at that list, above, again?