Thursday, June 30, 2005

Liberals; Conservatives can hear you

I'm walking down Clark today, taking photos, when I pass an older guy who is talking on his cell phone. He's completely unaware how loud he is, or that anyone might overhear what he's saying.
Its taken me 54 years to realize this, but when Republicans argue, they're didactic. They have no point. They just ask questions.
I don't think he knows that the meaning of didactic is. I looked it up on Webster to make sure I knew:
1 a : designed or intended to teach b : intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment
2 : making moral observations
Its true that his Republican friends were trying to teach him.
That's why they ask him questions. I do the same thing with hardcore liberals. I ask them simple questions that I already know the answer to. For instance:
  • If the war was all about oil, as you insist, then why didn't we just lift the embargo on Iraqi oil?
  • Do you think that Iraqis want a free and democratic country?
  • If we were to leave Iraq now, what do you think would happen?
  • If it was Bush who created the WMD threat out of thin air, then why did Clinton bomb Iraq when he was in office?

Liberals, of course, know the answers to all of these questions. They just can't say the answers out loud, because it would really screw up their talking points.

Speaking of questions, the Environmental Republican has some great ones about my buddy Karl Rove. When Karl said
Conservatives saw the savagery of the Sept. 11 attacks and the prepared for war. Liberals saw the savagery of the Sept. 11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers...
...some liberals weren't sure if he was talking about them.
The Environmental Republican has a test that may help clear things up.


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