Wednesday, June 22, 2005

No oil on the Downing Street memos

The war is all about Oil. That's what we were told by liberals from day one.

Sure, we had an embargo on Iraqi oil, but our goal was to get their oil. Or control it. Or stop them from selling it. Something like that. The explanations on the left were always jumbled and vague, but libs were telling me that Bush wanted Iraqi oil to keep the price of gasoline down, so that he could get re-elected. (Others argued that Bush wanted to keep Saddam from selling oil, kinda the flip-side of the other argument. No matter.)

Now along comes the Downing Street memos. The left claims that these documents truly reveal what George W. Bush was thinking- concerning Iraq- before we went to war. When I read the memos, I noted many things... but one glaring omission caught my attention:
There is no mention of oil in any of these memos.

Oil wasn't discussed in the Downing Street memo, or in the Straw memo, or in the Meyer, Manning, and Rickets memos. You would think (according to the left) that the memos would at least mention how Bush was slobbering to get hold of all of that luscious crude. Maybe just a short passage of "oh, and Bush wants Halliburton in there by sundown." You know, something that would detail how this war was all about oil?

-And what are the memos about?

WMD. Not oil, but WMD, and what happens, politically, if the soldiers were attacked on the first day of the war by WMD. What happens if Kuwait is attacked by WMD? Israel?

There is the memo where Wolfowitz wants a fully functioning democracy. Another passage where Condi says that Bush doesn't want to make a decision until he gets input from the Prime Minister. Another passage has Bush saying that if they take military action, "failure is not an option." (You probably didn't read that in your local paper.)

But nothing about oil.
Yeah, I know that won't change anyone's mind. The "oil war" is their mantra whenever a Republican goes to war. Its their propaganda, their button that they put on their bookbag. They would have to make new signs if they actually were convinced, and those thick markers are really expensive.

But it has to leave libs secretly wondering; 'How did he forget to talk about oil in those meetings?'

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