Thursday, July 21, 2005

American press reminded of how a totalitarian government works

Andrea Mitchell of NBC is in a huff today.
She was treated rudely by the government of Sudan.

Now before this gets misinterpreted, I'm not saying that Sudan was right for treating her bad. It just amazes me how our journalists think that they are protected by the first amendment, even when in Sudan. Andrea said, according to Yahoo:
"I would rather see them live up to their promises," she said. "What they did to me is not important. They can't control my life."
Andrea... you were not in the U.S.. You can't claim that our government should protect you, all while criticizing the way the government goes about taking down dictatorships. When you are in Sudan, they can control your life. It was only the incredible power of the US defense industry that kept you from becoming a sex slave in a Sudanese prison, today.
Please sleep on that.

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