Saturday, July 16, 2005

Things that make you say, WHAT???

Apparently, there is a group planning to march on Washington August 13th, regarding prisoners. Not prisoners in Gitmo, mind you. Although I'm sure they got their inspiration from the "Close Gitmo!" crowd. These people want prisoners released from jail.
"What?", you say.
They want prisoners released from jail. Here is the best line from their statement:

This is a day for us to meet each other, and show our leaders that we demand justice.

They want justice. This isn't sarcasm, folks. Its not my idea of a bad web joke. They are going to Lafayette Park and they are going to march. Felons, and friends of felons. It should be a great time. Who wants to go? I do! I do!
But wait. ... There's more:
On July 12, 2005, David Losa of FACTS (Families to Amend California's Three Strikes) will embark on an epic Bicycle Journey for Justice, a 3,000 mile ride from his home in Santa Barbara, CA, arriving in Washington D.C. just in time for the FMI March on Washington.

I sincerely hope it doesn't happen. But wouldn't it be funny if his bike was stolen on his way to this event?
Normally, I think its a blast to go to these types of events, and take photos of the nuttier people in this world. But I will not be attending this one. I... uh... have laundry to do.

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