Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You are getting conned

Here is one version of how the press is talking about the stimulus bill. It tells us that money is going to education and students:
Students are big winners. Both the House and Senate bills call for the largest-ever funding increase for Pell Grants, the government's chief college aid program for low-income students.

That's true. And its hard to argue that giving money to students so that they can go to college is a bad thing.
However, this is a stimulus bill!
I can't point that out enough times.
Its the same as putting food stamps in a defense bill.

Anyway, Obama will have none of the discussion about it:
President Barack Obama's first prime-time press conference was most remarkable for how he borrowed a page from his predecessor, refusing to accept follow-up questions. It might seem like a petty issue, but it was significant and telling that George W. Bush would not allow follow-up questions in his sessions with reporters.

For those of you who noticed, Obama read off of a list of pre-approved reporters that was on his podium.

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