Sunday, March 01, 2009

First line that I couldn't make up

A combative President Barack Obama warned on Saturday he was bracing for a fight against powerful lobbyists and special interests who sought to pick apart the $3.55 trillion budget he wants to advance his agenda of reform.

What the fuck?
Are you kidding me?
What was David Alexander thinking when he wrote this drivel?

How does a president 'fight special interests' to spend $3.55 TRILLION dollars?
What special interests?
People who hate government money being wasted?
Anyone with a soul?

Barack just pushed through the $800 BILLION dollar Pork plan.
That was after Democrats forced through $700 plus BILLION of TARP money.
Now Barack wants to spend $3.55 TRILLION more... and he's afraid of 'special interests'??
Who's left who isn't getting money already from the federal government???

Seriously, Barack, what the fuck???
And to David Alexander, who bought that line of bullshit hook, line, and sinker: are you kidding me?

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