Thursday, March 19, 2009

POTUS playing it the same as previous administration

After telling us that the detainees couldn't/shouldn't be held, Obama's administration is trying to pretend like they are 'changing':
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., who is leading the administration’s effort to develop a new detention regime, took pains to tell the court that the administration’s effort was ongoing, and that its legal position could evolve. Moreover, the administration said its new position only applied to current Guantánamo detainees — not to “military operations generally, or detention in other contexts.”

There is a lot of hair-splitting on the issue with the Obama administration, who is trying to pretend like they've changed the outcome completely, when they really haven't.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm glad tha tthe administration is continuing to hold bad guys. But they were completely dishonest about the previous administration. -And now that its their responsibility to keep bad guys detained, they've gotten religion. So to speak.

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