Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happier Than I Thought?

According to a recent study by the Pew research foundation, the secret to happiness is being old, male, and Republican.

Which would suggest that the secret to being unhappy is to be a young female democrat. But I digress.

The interesting thing is to read the comments on the LiveScience website that reports this. There are people there who are arguing that the survey isn't technically correct, but it says that because Republicans lie more. Which, to me, indicates something about the person who has come to that conclusion.

Anyway, I had a bad February and March, so my year has not been great. But when I stopped to think about it, I guess I really am happier then I "should" be. I have a positive outlook on things. I don't wait on other people to take care of me. I believe, for the most part, in myself.
I am a Republican.

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