Wednesday, May 06, 2009

"" won't/can't do its job

Remember how Obama promised to have a website up and running that would allow 'everyday citizens' to track the progress of government dollars?

How he promised that we would all be able to watch and see how our money is being spent?

Remember how he promised that we could watch every penny of "stimulus spending', so that we could alert him if money wasn't being spent wisely?

Would it surprise you to know that the government won't let us 'track every dollar' until November?
" now lists programs being funded by the stimulus money, but provides no details on who received the grants and contracts. Agencies won't report that data until Oct. 10, according to Earl Devaney, chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, which manages the website."

What complete bullshit that is.
Devaney says that the problem is that the board "doesn't have enough data storage capacity".

Let's presume, for a moment, that was true.
Let's presume that Devaney doesn't have a one terabyte hard drive lying around. That after spending $787 BILLION on a stimulus program, they don't have the $150 lying around to buy a terabyte hard drive to keep tract of it all.

What does that mean?

It means that currently, no one in government is keeping tract of all of the stimulus money. Because, you know, they just don't have the storage capacity to do... accounting.
Can you think of any more lame excuse then that?

Look: I knew that we would hear some kind of excuse like this. Its not like the government wants us to know where it is spending its money. But this is pretty extreme. To say that they don't have the DATA capacity?
They are liars.
Say it with me: "Liar"
Obama? "Liar"
Devaney? "Liar"
Any Democrat who stands behind this excuse? "Liar"

Right now, the government is spending close to $800 BILLION dollars of the porkulus bill, and they can't keep tract of it?
C'mon. You and I know that is bullshit. Please call them out on it.

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