Friday, June 26, 2009

Huffington Post officially hops into Obama's pocket

The next time you read the Huffington Post, remember their 'journalism' ethics.
The Obama administration wanted a question asked by the Huffington post on Iran. So they literally asked them to find a 'good' question ahead of time.

This is how it played out at the WH Press Conference:

THE PRESIDENT: Nico, I know that you, and all across the Internet, we've been seeing a lot of reports coming directly out of Iran. I know that there may actually be questions from people in Iran who are communicating through the Internet. Do you have a question?

Q Yes, I did, I wanted to use this opportunity to ask you a question directly from an Iranian. We solicited questions last night from people who are still courageous enough to be communicating online, and one of them wanted to ask you this: Under which conditions would you accept the election of Ahmadinejad? And if you do accept it without any significant changes in the conditions there, isn't that a betrayal of what the demonstrators there are working towards?

Naturally, the rest of the press watched that exchange and their antenna went up.

Its considered unethical in journalism to ask the question that a politician actually asked you to pose. But the Huffington Post dove in anyway, and confirmed that they are a propaganda arm of this administration.

Politico noticed:

According to POLITICO's Carol Lee, The Huffington Post reporter was brought out of lower press by deputy press secretary Josh Earnest and placed just inside the barricade for reporters a few minutes before the start of the press conference.

Which makes sense. Josh would have talked to him right beforehand to see if he was on board.

According to AP, the White House confirmed that they had spoken to the Huffington Post:

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said there was nothing inappropriate in how an administration official phoned the Huffington Posts' Nico Pitney and suggested President Barack Obama might take a question from him if he came prepared with one submitted to the reporter from someone inside Iran.

Ap also noted that:
Obama replied with a familiar response, that it was too soon to know.

This was great reporting on Politico's part. They really called out Obama on his inability to add anything to the debate with a softball question that was preplanned. Kudos to the staff at Politico for trying to keep their fellow press honest. There is a lot of ass-kissing going on between the press and this White House. I'm heartened by the courage of Politico who, no doubt, is getting yelled at by a White House press toady at this very moment.

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