Thursday, October 29, 2009

Liveblogging; I'm going through bill H.R. 3962

Bill H.R. 3962 is the latest health care bill introduced to congress.

You can download it at that link. Its 1,990 pages of regulations.

I'll be going through it over the next few days. Forgive me for not printing this one out, since it would literally take 4 REAMS OF PAPER to print it. Just to give you an idea of how much paper that is... my toner cartridge is good for about 3,000 pages.
2/3rds of my toner cartridge would be used if I printed the full thing.

If you're reading it with me, the first few pages are the table of contents.
Up until page 16, its page after page of definitions that they are using for the sake of the bill.

I'm now on the first page of actual bill, which is entitled:

This is a pool that would be established Jan. 1st, 2010; or about two months from now.
I presume that this is to placate the people on the left who were complaining that the health care bill wasn't even going to cover anyone for two years.

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