Friday, February 05, 2010

Joe Klein, the president, and racism

This is why Joe Klein is an asshat.

1) Joe Klein uses the term 'teabaggers' to describe Tea Party members
2) Joe argues that the stimulus package was needed to stave off an economic collapse. Are we there yet?
3) Joe argues that it isn't Obama's policies that we hate, but that, In that sense,
Barack Obama is the apotheosis of all they fear. He is a child of what used to be called miscegenation--a mixed marriage.

Apparently, I'd be cool with the stimulus plan of $787 Billion if Obama were white. Go figure, I never realized that.
Moreover, I hate anyone who comes from a mixed marriage. Its 'what I fear', rather then a deficit that is ballooning up so quickly that everyone is looking for the boy who is reportedly hiding in it.

Joe Klein, you get my asshat award for 2009 for that column. And trust me, we had a lot of them in 2009.

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