Friday, February 26, 2010

Organizing For America aims at propaganda move

As soon as I heard about Organizing For America, it reminded me of the old soviet groups that were formed to make sure that everyone in the communist party was on the same page. We can't have people, you know, thinking too much on their own. You need just the right amount of government pez-disepensed propaganda out there.

Politico writes about their latest effort. This one is to flood talk radio with OFA members:
The online tool presents users with a radio show discussing political topics, to which supporters can listen live, and the phone number for that station, for when health care comes up. It also offers tips for callers and talking points on the issue.

On the plus side, it doesn't implant a chip directly into their brain. It just, uh, tells them, uh, what to say, and how to say it right.
Uh huh.

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