Thursday, October 30, 2008

Zombie connects the dots with the weather underground

ZombieTime is one of my favorite blogs. Along with genuinely funny articles, he occasionally does some in depth research.

This one on the Weather Underground and Obama is absolutely incredible. He helps connect the dots. Its for people who don't understand why its important to know who Obama's friends are.

This isn't just about one degree of separation. Its about who you hang out with and who you identify with.

McCain keeps asking LA Times for the video

In case you missed it, there was a radical named Rashid Khalidi who worked in academic land. He is a Palestinian who frequently spoke in favor of the PLO, and was honored in a banquet. Obama attended the event and had praised him. The LA Times covered the story, but won't release the 2003 video.
I repeat... this happened in 2003.
The LA Times won't release the video, citing concerns about their source.

One of the best arguments against Obama

Here is a YouTube video entitled "Dear Mr. Obama":
Its done really well, and has garnered just a little bit of attention. It runs less then 2 minutes, so its worth it to watch.
I found it via this BBC piece on the YouTube phenonimon during this election. Certainly, YouTube has changed the way that we view our candidates... making it easier to see the latest arguments, and allowing everyday people to show their points of view.

Huffington Post writer kills lover

Carol Ann Burger is suspected to have killed Jessica Kalish by stabbing her 222 times with a screwdriver.

From the Palm Beach Post:
Burger, who on Oct. 7 was tapped to cover the election for the Web site, The Huffington Post, still sometimes felt sad and isolated. Kalish, whom Burger had married in Massachusetts in 2005, had met another woman.
Here's the politically incorrect piece of trivia to note:
This may be the first gay couple that was legally married to be involved in the murder/suicide thing.

Producers, Writers, and Directors make fun of MSNBC

I wouldn't have believed it, if I hadn't read it in this source.
Hollywood Reporter wrote recently on an event where everyone pretty much made fun of MSNBC.
Olbermann was criticized by many who attended Monday's luncheon sponsored by the Caucus for Producers, Writers & Directors at the Beverly Hills Hotel. The event was dubbed "Hollywood, America and Election '08."

Bloodworth-Thomason and others seemed especially critical of the way MSNBC -- and other media -- has attacked Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin while demeaning her supporters.

Man... you have to be doing something wrong when Mrs. Bloodworth-Thompson thinks that you are stumping too hard for liberals. That's like Rush telling you that your radio station leans too far to the right.
Here's my favorite clip from the story:
Pollster Frank Luntz, a regular guest on the Fox News, joked that MSNBC is "the only network with more letters in its name than viewers."


Who are the members of Slate voting for?

The magazine Slate decided to poll its writers and editors, and find out who they wanted to vote for. The results of that poll?
Barack Obama: 55
John McCain: 1
Bob Barr: 1
Not McCain: 1
Noncitizen, can't vote: 4

The link includes their justification of their reasons for voting (or not voting) that way. Its hilarious, from a Republican point of view. Its worthy of Newsweek, Vanity Fair, or Mother Jones.

What Barack really thinks about redistribution of wealth

In an article called "Shame, Cubed", Bill Whittle found a radio interview that Obama held with WBEZ, our local radio outlet.
In it, Obama was talking about the effect that the Supreme Court decisions had on civil rights. That most sacred civil right that we all hold dear... the redistribution of wealth:
You know, if you look at the victories and failures of the civil-rights movement, and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to vest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples. So that I would now have the right to vote, I would now be able to sit at a lunch counter and order and as long as I could pay for it, I’d be okay, but the Supreme Court never entered into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society.

Read the entire thing.

Or even better, go here where the people from WBEZ have conveniently left MP3s, so that you could hear it all in its context. This should be a direct link to the MP3. A little more, just to give you an idea what Obama was talking about...
You know, I’m not optimistic about bringing about major redistributive change through the courts. The institution just isn’t structured that way. [snip] You start getting into all sorts of separation of powers issues, you know, in terms of the court monitoring or engaging in a process that essentially is administrative and takes a lot of time. You know, the court is just not very good at it, and politically, it’s just very hard to legitimize opinions from the court in that regard.

So I think that, although you can craft theoretical justifications for it, legally, you know, I think any three of us sitting here could come up with a rationale for bringing about economic change through the courts.

There are a lot of things that I think that the average, everyday person doesn't understand about Obama. I hope this, along with his membership in the New Party, might give them a clue. Like Obama regretting that he couldn't bring along redistribution of wealth through the courts.

Mike Malone on bias in this election season

Mike writes a great column about being appalled by his own profession. He confesses:
But worst of all, for the last couple weeks, I've begun -- for the first time in my adult life -- to be embarrassed to admit what I do for a living. A few days ago, when asked by a new acquaintance what I did for a living, I replied that I was "a writer," because I couldn't bring myself to admit to a stranger that I'm a journalist.

Its a great editorial in its honesty. Please check it out.

Obama skips most press conferences, but makes one extra one

According to the Political Punch:

On Oct. 24, 2007, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said that as president he would hold regular press conferences and "not just call on my four favorite reporters."

But the Democratic presidential nominee hasn't held a full press conference -- submitting himself to more than a handful of questions from his whole press corps -- in more than a month, since Sept. 24, 2008, in Clearwater, Fla.

He did, however, fit in Extra's Mario Lopez.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ayers wants the GOP to forget about him

William Ayers, 60s radical and all around scumbag, stepped out of his cave long enough to tell a panel discussion that he didn't want to be the center of attention anymore:
"[Fox host] Bill O'Reilly comes on his show and first thing he says is, 'Why won't this Ayers story die?'" Ayers told well-wishers. "And then he spends 10 minutes talking about it."

Mr. Ayers: you've been an attention whore all of your life. Why are you shunning the attention now?

Michael Reagan explains why Ayers is still important:

If the truth becomes better known -- and it will if the Ayers issue is doggedly pursued -- it will be clear that Obama was not only deeply immersed the fetid swamp of Chicago’s far-left political scene, but was from the very beginning of his career carefully groomed by the city’s socialist left to follow the path he’s on now in his quest for the presidency of the United States.

Fun Editorial Cartoon on socialism

I don't want to violate their copyright, but you can find Gary McCoy's cartoon here, on the Cagle Cartoon website. McCoy is quickly becoming one of my favorite editorial cartoonists.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Barbara West, and Biden

If you missed Barbara West interviewing Biden, check this video out.
The most telling thing to me is when Biden is asked about ACORN, and he says that 'not one cent' of campaign money went to ACORN.

Apparently, he missed this little nugget, as reported by Right Michigan:
An Obama spokesman said Federal Election Commission reports would be amended to show Citizens Services Inc. -- a subsidiary of ACORN -- worked in "get-out-the-vote" projects, instead of activities such as polling, advance work and staging major events as stated in FEC finance reports filed during the primary.

If Biden wasn't the VP of Obama, this would be news for a week.
But... well... I'm getting bored of saying it.

"Academics" have come to Ayers support

More than 3,200 supporters -- most of them educators -- have signed a petition protesting what they say is the "demonization of Professor William Ayers," asserting that his violent actions as the co-founder of the Weather Underground were just "history."

This story, on Fox News web page, should tell everyone how politics are clouding the intellect of our academic institutions.
I think that everyone should have a great education. I can't believe how bad our advanced education system has become.
If you're going to argue that a guy who advocated - as recently as 2001 - the violent overthrow of the US government as just being a little part of history; you are not only dishonest, but a horrible teacher.

You can view the complete petition, and the signers, here. If you are considering taking a course at a current university... it might be to your benefit to see if one of your professors signed this list.

Orson Scott Card on media bias on the economy

Card writes about Freddie and Fannie, and who was ultimately responsible.
These are facts. This financial crisis was completely preventable. The party that blocked any attempt to prevent it was ... the Democratic Party. The party that tried to prevent it was ... the Republican Party.

He further writes about how the media has missed the real story, and how Republicans have been unfairly portrayed as responsible.

Kurtz on The New Party & Obama

Stanley Kurtz has reported on ACORN, the New Party, and the connections to Obama.
During his first campaign for the Illinois state senate in 1995-96, Barack Obama was a member of, and was endorsed by, the far-left New Party.

Its a great read, and he's put it in a very succinct manner. Check it out.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama changed his tax plan

After McCain criticized it, I guess it was time to make a slight change:
They started saying this was welfare," said Obama adviser Austan Goolsbee. "So, just so they would absolutely not be able to say that, we decided that for the last two percent we'll simply add a work requirement.

You can read more of the details here.

Friday, October 24, 2008

What a vice president does

There's a lot of things that annoy me about the demonization of Sarah Palin. The one that bothers me the most is the assertion that she has no idea what she's talking about.

Take the latest issue: whether or not Sarah knows what a president does.

As 'proof' that Palin doesn't know, someone recently quoted this sentence to me:
As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?

I googled the quote to find the original. Try it. You'll get something like a gazillion lefty websites.
Most of them only give the quote above.

The Huffington Post recently quoted Politico. When I first saw the quote on HuffPo, they only quoted the phrase above. Now they give a longer quote.

Neither HuffPo nor Politico gave a link to the original statement. HuffPo now has the video linking to it.
Kudlow: All right. You have a legion of fans who want you to become Senator McCain’s vice-presidential candidate. In fact, on the world’s largest pay-to-play prediction market, betting parlor, called InTrade, you are in third place with a 20 percent support probability behind former Governor Romney and present Governor of Minnesota Pawlenty. Is this police flap, state investigation, going to disqualify you from becoming Senator McCain’s vice-presidential candidate?

Palin: Well it shouldn’t disqualify me from anything, including progressing the state’s agenda here towards more energy production so we can contribute more to the U.S. Nor should it dissuade any kind of agenda progress in any arena because again, I haven’t done anything wrong. And through an investigation of our lawmakers who are kind of looking at me as a target, we invite those questions so that we can truthfully answer the questions.

But as for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does everyday? I’m used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we’re trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the U.S., before I can even start addressing that question.

Along those lines, I'd love for anyone who thinks that Palin doesn't understand the position of VP to think the accusation through.

Its not a logical conclusion. -And I can prove it.
Palin was the governor of the state of Alaska. A lieutenant governor is the 'VP' of a state. The leiutenant governor's duties are described under the Alaska Constitution:
7. Lieutenant Governor Duties

There shall be a lieutenant governor. He shall have the same qualifications as the governor and serve for the same term. He shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by law and as may be delegated to him by the governor. [Amended 1970]

There is a huge parallel in what the VP does and what the leiutenant governor of Alaska does.

If you believe that the governor of Alaska didn't understand for 2 years what her leiutenant did, or that she didn't understand the parallel between the VP and her leiutenant governor, I'd argue that you are being very illogical.

Just say'in.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

And now, charging for access to the king

On election night, there are going to be some reporters who get an 'unobstructed view' of Obama. Those are the press members who have paid. The rest will join the rest of the pool with an obstructed view.

No, this isn't the rantings of a right wing loon. This is according to Sun-Times reporter Lynn Sweet:
The Obama campaign is putting a hefty price tag on the best camera and reporting positions for news organizations covering Barack Obama's outdoor election night activities in downtown Chicago. If a reporter wants access to the file center--which will be the best place to find Obama officials and spokesmen--be prepared to write a check for $935. The cheapest place a reporter could stand on a riser with a view is $880.

Every day, the Obama camp creeps me out a little bit more. If Obama fans are reading this, can you please take a moment and think: What would happen if a Republican suggested such a thing?

Yes, I disagree with Barack on a ton of things... but that's not what worries me about the possibility that he might get elected. I have genuine concerns about a candidate who charges money for the best access, who already put the word "president" on the seat of his plane, and who has a giant 8 ft. tall image of his face in his headquarters.

Socialist = black???

According to a deranged columnist for the Kansas City Star:
McCain and Palin have simply reached back in history to use an old code word for black. It set whites apart from those deemed unAmerican and those who could not be trusted during the communism scare.

That's from Lewis Diuguid, who apparently can't get his head out of his ass.

McCain calls Obama out on being socialist

Well... almost.
Republican presidential candidate John McCain on Saturday accused Democratic rival Barack Obama of favoring a socialistic economic approach by supporting tax cuts and tax credits McCain says would merely shuffle wealth rather than creating it.

Which is true... but I doubt the media will agree.