Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Academics" have come to Ayers support

More than 3,200 supporters -- most of them educators -- have signed a petition protesting what they say is the "demonization of Professor William Ayers," asserting that his violent actions as the co-founder of the Weather Underground were just "history."

This story, on Fox News web page, should tell everyone how politics are clouding the intellect of our academic institutions.
I think that everyone should have a great education. I can't believe how bad our advanced education system has become.
If you're going to argue that a guy who advocated - as recently as 2001 - the violent overthrow of the US government as just being a little part of history; you are not only dishonest, but a horrible teacher.

You can view the complete petition, and the signers, here. If you are considering taking a course at a current university... it might be to your benefit to see if one of your professors signed this list.

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