Sunday, October 19, 2008

The left is becoming facist about Barack

This girl was called racist for wearing a McCain/Palin shirt to her school.
I guess if you're a kid, you have to sing songs about Obama in order not to be called a racist.

In another school, there is a whole chapter of a book dedicated to Barack. The Lenin-ism of our country has begun, and he's not even president.

You could be a McCain supporter, but the Barack fans don't take kindly to them. In fact, they beat them up with their own signs.

The left is in high gear with their Republican hate speech. This smiling couple, as featured in Iowahawk, proudly wears T-shirts calling Palin a cunt. I still haven't figured out what Palin has done which earns her that title. But I guess all you have to do is be a Republican woman with a chance of getting into the White House, and you're a cunt.

I know that the left thinks that Republicans are equally evil towards Obama. After all, Olbermann told them so. He reported (as many other have) that McCain supporters were yelling "Kill him!" (Obama) at a recent McCain rally. The only problem with this? The secret service was there, and heard no such thing. I've taken photos as a journalist around Secret Service guys. Trust me... you don't want to yell "Kill [presidential candidate]" around them. Not unless you want your fingerprints on file within the next couple of hours.

Which lead me to ACORN.
I wrote about ACORN previously on this blog... for good reason. Its one of the most corrupt 'vote getting' not-for-profits out there. They protest at every anti-war rally, and consider the Iraq war "racist." If you hunt for it on the web, you can find videos of their people attacking others merely for asking questions about their organization.
Its a ridiculously facist organization.
When I read that the FBI is investigating them, I was happy. But apparently, doggone it, someone stole their computers right when the FBI tried to sieze them. Who else suspects a rat?

People are getting beat up because of their party affiliation. If you don't support their candidate, you are a racist. They consider your candidate a cunt. They include a chapter about their candidate in a book for 8th graders.
They support and defend ACORN, a group that has fraudulently registered tens of thousands of non-existent people, with hundreds of thousands of dollars from the campaign of Barack Obama.

Democrats are fond of calling conservatives facist. But I don't recall a single time in my life when Republicans behaved like this. I hope I never do.

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