Tuesday, October 18, 2005

And the headline says what???

The AP puts a different kind of spin on the Iraqis voting on their first real Constitution, with this headline:

Sunnis Appear to Fall Short in Iraq Vote

In other news, the AP appears to be upset that the Constitution might be approved.
Interesting, that.

1 comment:

ChicagoJohn said...


Rove didn't bring gay marriage into state politics. The gay community did. Rove didn't sign the Defense Of Marriage Act. Bill Clinton did.

Trying to blame Rove for this is akin to me blaming you for the contents of my blog.

You say that honor, dignity, and compassion are part of American politics. Since when? Ford was depicted as inept by his opponents. Carter was a goofy peanut farmer. Reagan was called evil and stupid.
Where does your political calendar start?

Rove isn't going to get indicted anymore than you will. Simply wanting to have someone indicted isn't going to make it.

Stop jumping the shark and using Lincoln's name in vain.

Oh, and you know he was a Republican. Which is another thing that Dems want to claim, since they can't claim credit for any good thing in the US.

-John (aka Karl Rove)