Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Judith Miller comes down with Hillary Clinton disease

I guess I'm not the only person who thinks that Judith Miller is holding out on us.
During recent grand jury testimony, she reportedly got a case of what I call "Hillary Clinton" disease. That's when you find your back to the wall, and suddenly, you "can't recall".

My own take on it is that after she was given a heads up by Libby on Wilson's wife, she went looking to other sources of information to find out Valerie Plame's name. Where would you go if you were a Washington journalist to confirm such information?
Why... to your fellow liberals.
That's my educated guess.
Anyhoo, this is what the Editor & Publisher had to say about her memory problems:
John Temple, editor and publisher of The Rocky Mountain News in Denver, also noted such surprise. "It is hard to believe that Judy Miller couldn't remember the name of the source that gave her Valerie Plame's name," Temple said.


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