Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Socialist head of Energy Department???

When Obama put Carol Browner in charge of the energy department, I read up on her. Or I thought I had. I mean, I had read a few profiles of her in the news. Based on that, I did a brief profile of her and other Obama appointees.

Somehow, they missed this little tidbit:
Carol Browner is an honest to god socialist.

When I accused Obama of being a socialist, its because he belonged to the socialist democrat New Party. (More to come on that.) But people argued with me that The New Party claimed that he was a member, and that we have no record of Obama himself declaring him a member of The New Party.

Okay, fine. Then why does he keep hiring socialists?

Here are the facts. Carol belongs to the Socialist International. You can find her profile on this page.

Here's the Constitution of Socialist International, and something to leave you with from that Constitution:
Human rights include economic and social rights; the right to form trade unions and to strike; the right to social security and welfare for all, including the protection of mothers and children; the right to education, training and leisure; the right to decent housing in a liveable environment, and the right to economic security. Crucially, there is the right to both full and useful employment in an adequately rewarded job. Unemployment undermines human dignity, threatens social stability and wastes the world's most valuable resource.
If you read the Constitution of the Socialist International, it almost mirror's exactly what The New Party says. Which makes sense, because they pull from the same source materials.

I wonder how long it will take until the media actually notices that the guy in the White House has Socialist Democrat policies?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In 2001, in the landmark court case Coleman-Adebayo v. Browner, Carol M. Browner and the agency she administered, the EPA, were found guilty of race, color, and sex-based discrimination as well as tolerating a hostile work environment. The case provided the impetus for the passage (unanimous in both chambers) of the No FEAR Act (Notification of Federal Employees Anti-discrimination and Retaliation) that was signed into law by President George W. Bush. The law was heralded as the first civil rights law of the 21st century. Study of Coleman-Adebayo v. Browner is now mandated study for all new Federal employees within 90 days of their being hired, and every 2 years for all Federal employees. The extent of the racism and retaliation within Ms. Browner's EPA was so pervasive that Congress and the Executive required study of it as the penultimate example of what was WRONG with government. When asked in Congressional hearings whether she accepted the judgement of the jury, Ms. Browner said she did.

The question for Mr. Obama, is: Given her unrepentant position on the deplorable conditions she oversaw at EPA, how is Carol Browner qualified to hold administrative position again?