Thursday, August 11, 2005

Don't like GWB? Spray paint their car!

And now, for someone who is completely idiotic...
We've all seen the bumper stickers by those who hate GWB.

Now there are the people who are so insane, that they feel the need to deface people's cars who have a GWB bumper sticker on them. According to Reuters, after several cars were defaced in a parking lot, the police set up a sting:

Police set up a bait car with a pro-Bush bumper sticker, parked it at the airport with a surveillance camera, and waited. On July 1, the camera recorded a man spray-painting over the bumper sticker with an expletive.

Investigators traced the license plate of the suspected vandal to Fecteau, 42, who turned himself into police last week and was released after posting a $5,000 bond.

Fecteau is Lt. Col. Alexis Fecteau. No doubt, he will soon become the liberal darling as another (rare) example of a member of the military who hates Bush.

1 comment:

Fred Fry said...

Why is it that every single Air Force Officer that I meet turns out to be a complete a**hole?

So where does the Airforce send people who are bad? Alaska? Bottom of a silo? How about sneding him back to the Pentagon to serve coffee to the important officers.