Friday, August 19, 2005

Parents honour sacrifice of their fallen

Get a kleenex and read this editorial from Opinion Journal. Ronald Griffin lost Spc. Kyle Andrew Griffin, his son, in Iraq. After reading about Cindy, he contacted other parents who lost loved ones to guage their opinion. Here is one of the responses:
Karen Long is the mother of Spc. Zachariah Long, who died with my son Kyle on May 30, 2003. Zack and Kyle were inseparable friends as only soldiers can be, and Karen and I have become inseparable friends since their deaths. Karen's view is that what Mrs. Sheehan is doing she has every right to do, but she is dishonoring all soldiers, including Karen's son, Zack.

It amazes me how people who lost their loved ones can keep on giving.
That's the fabric of our country folks. Its how we value freedom above all else.

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