Monday, December 08, 2008

It wasn't quite the change they pictured

Normally, I'd like to rest easy knowing that the left isn't happy.
But when the left is David Corn, of Mother Jones, I don't know what would make him happy. Che? Chavez?
From his editorial in the WP:
It's no surprise that many progressives are -- depending on whom you ask -- disappointed, irritated or fit to be tied. Sure, Obama's appointments do represent change -- that is, change from the widely unpopular Bush-Cheney status quo. But do these appointments amount to the kind of change that progressives, who were an essential part of Obama's political base during the campaign, can really believe in?

You'll be relieved to know that us conservatives still think his appointments are really really left.
If you don't believe me, check out his speechwriter, in the photo below.

No, I'm not kidding. That really is his speechwriter groping a cardboard cutout of Hillary.

And yeah... that's kind of the change that I pictured Barack would bring.

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