Wednesday, September 17, 2008

An Obama Facist Show

As long as we're talking about how facists take over, let's do a study in facist Fashion.

This flickr website is a primer.
In honor of fashion week, having just returned from the Democratic Convention, and the fact that Palin and McCain belittled community organizing in their speeches, I decided to have an Obama themed fashion show: AuH2Obama! On Thursday, Sept. 11 at Cafe 81, pretty ladies modeled Obama dresses, I handed out free Obama buttons and stickers, sold AuH2Obama tops for only $20 and donated 50% of the profits to the campaign. What did you say about community organizing, Sarah Palin?

I can't speak for Sarah, but it spooks me whenever someone creates a complete line of fashion around a politician. (See: Che, See: Stalin, See: Hitler.)

Of course, this is all about good fashion. Right? So let's take a look. Tell me if you think that any of those articles of fashion make you wonder.

Obama's Teleprompter

Obama is going back on the road with a teleprompter.
'A what?' you say.
I know... you didn't realize he needs one. You thought he always said everything off of the cuff. But like most politicians, he uses one. He's just better at hiding them.

Why the press announced this now, I'm not quite sure.

'The Atlantic' apoligizes for McCain Photos

I have to hand it to 'The Atlantic'. Clearly, they are no fans of McCain. But they are all over this issue on the basis of journalistic integrity.

In a previous post, I wrote about how Jill Greenberg is a cunt. I wrote that because Jill took photos of McCain with an intent to make him look evil, and then bragged about it, altered those images, and put them online.

The reporter who wrote the story on McCain was appalled. So were other reporters from the magazine. They understood, correctly, that it made them look bad.
The reporter apoligized and expressed his outrage publicly. So did another reporter from the magazine. More recently, the magazine offered its apology to McCain, and suggested that they might sue the photographer over her duplicity.

I hope they do, and I hope they win big.
For those of you who don't know, Jill became famous for getting photos of crying toddlers. How did she get those photos? By giving them cool toys and candy, and then taking them away. That's right. Jill literally took candy from a baby.

It always amazes me when people accuse Republicans of being evil, and then you find out that those people literally take candy from a baby to get a good photo. Nice going, Jill. Your soul is completely intact.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Because I don't have enough posts with the word "Palin" in them

Here's the most shocking thing I've read in a long time. Ready for this?
Sun-Times columnist Mary Mitchell doesn't like Sarah Palin.
That surprised me.
Mary argues that a woman who became a mayor of a small town, who went on to become the most popular governor in the US, is a 'laughingstock to feminists.' I guess that if you really want to be a feminist, you have to be hated?
Frankly, Sarah Palin scares me.

Republicans always scare Democrats. Democrats are fearful of anyone who doesn't think like them, and of anyone who shows the regular use of a backbone.
But what's weird about Mary's column is that she is arguing that you can't be a governor of a big state if you have a family.
Even with a supportive husband, I doubt seriously that Palin has time to be a hockey mom unless she is making a personal appearance on a campaign trail.

What? Really? Is Mary making the argument against feminism?
After all, there's no such thing as a superwoman, and children of driven moms make their own sacrifices.

Now I know that I'm in a parallel universe. The left is telling me that its wrong for a woman to be both a mother and hold down a professional job.
What drove them in this direction? A strong Republican woman named Palin.

I now like Palin more then ever.

A photo that made me go "What???"

Here is the wall, the one in the background of that photo (found on Flickr), that I was talking about.

Now please read the section below, and click on the link for the photo on Yahoo News.

If anyone is reading this, please tell me what your first reaction was when you saw this photo. (I won't copy it to my website because I don't want to violate the copyright)

Its from the headquarters of the Obama campaign.

The Newsweek article on Wasilla

Newsweek recently ran an article on Wasilla to get the rest of us up to speed. Just in case, well, you didn't know what a hick town it was:
You certainly can have a great time swigging beer in two bars that are allowed to stay open until 5 a.m. It was Mayor Palin who rejected attempts to make them close earlier. (If Palin had completely had her way, in fact, you could have sidled up to the bar with a gun.) At the Mug-Shot Saloon, you can memorize the expletives on the collection of bumper stickers next to the well of bottles. But once you leave, you might want to watch your back: in a state that is consistently in the top 10 of the nation's most violent per capita, Wasilla has among the highest per capita violent- and property-crime rates in Alaska.

The crime rate in Wasilla is pretty high. How high is it? Why, it's very similar to the city that Senator Obama comes from (and represents)... Chicago!

Here is the crime rate for Wasilla, and here is the crime rate for Chicago.
  • 2005 rate of violent crime in Wasilla (extrapolated, of course) 1,199.7
  • 2005 rate of violent crime in Chicago 1,195.7

Those numbers are, statistically speaking, the same.

Anyway, back to the article:
In 1999, when Wal-Mart was the place to shop in Wasilla, a couple who worked there decided to get married in the aisles of the store. Shoppers convened, and tour-bus passengers stopped and gawked. Palin, who was then mayor of the 5,000 or so residents of the town, officiated. Later, she told a reporter that she had to hold back tears. "It was so sweet," she said. "It was so Wasilla."
So I read stuff like that, and I conclude that the author
1) Doesn't like Palin
2) Really looks down on the residents of Wasilla

I got curious. As someone with a background in journalism, I smelled a whiff of bias. But I am a journalist, and I wasn't going to accuse Amanda Coyne of bias without reason.
At the end of the article, Newsweek tells us who Amanda is:
Coyne is a freelance journalist based in Anchorage. She’s the cofounder of, an online magazine where commentators have been both supportive and critical of Palin.

Naturally, that made me even more curious. So I dropped by, where you can find the following headline:
"What Palin sees in Wasilla "
Over a photo of a 'gun loan' store.

Go to Alaska Dispatch and read the headlines yourself.
Of course, that just made me even more curious as to who Coyne is. I clicked on the "About" section of the website, and found this:
Amanda Coyne teaches writing at Alaska Pacific University, free-lances for magazines, and blogs for She was a writer and editor at the Anchorage Press from 2001 to 2005. Her work has appeared in Harper’s, The Guardian, The New York Times Magazine, Bust, Alaska Magazine and other publications.
Huh. That's kind of curious.
She blogs for Huffington Post (not exactly a centrist pub) the Guardian (who opening loves Obama) the New York Times (who has already elected Obama president) and Bust. How'd she end up working for Newsweek?

Below that, came the answer that I was looking for.
Tony Hopfinger is a free-lance writer and correspondent for Bloomberg News and Newsweek. Between 1996 and 2005, he was a reporter and editor at newspapers in Idaho, California and Alaska, including the Anchorage Daily News and Anchorage Press. His work has appeared in Walrus Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, Magazine, The Seattle Times and other publications

So Tony, her compatriot, is also a free lancer for Newsweek.

With that in mind, I wondered what Amanda normally writes about. Here are some of her articles from the Huffington Post:
Starting to get a general picture of who wrote the article on Wasilla for Newsweek?
Here are some of the articles she wrote for the Alaska Dispatch:

To Amanda's credit, she did write this profile of Palin in 2006. She reprinted it on her website in August of 2008. What did she think of Palin at the time?
Palin has so far prevailed against all odds, and against her own party's mainstream, which not only is against her but at times lately has seemed to be trying to dismantle her campaign. Alaska's Republican Party has had its share of meltdowns, but no politician has stepped from its ashes like Palin, a small-town, angel-faced mother of four, an avid hunter and a fisher with a killer smile who wears designer glasses and heels, and hair like modern sculpture, who's taking it to the boys ever so softly. Whatever happens on Tuesday, her popularity has shown that good-old-boy politics, even in Alaska , in the GOP, may be yesterday's news.

Note the tone of Amanda's coverage on Sarah's "killer smile", heels, and hair.
(There are a lot of things that journalists don't like about Sarah. But part of it, for some reason, is the fact that she's stylish and pretty. I don't get that.)

Anyway, it answered my question of how Newsweek suddenly decided to do a story on Wasilla using a journalist from outside of their realm. They ended up using a writer who honestly doesn't seem to like Wasilla, nor Palin.
Go figure.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Jill Greenberg is a Cunt

That may be the second time I've ever called a woman a cunt.

But Jill Greenberg - the photographer who shoots covers for Time, Wired, the Atlantic, and other trendy mags - is a true cunt.

I get to say this because I'm also a photographer.
But unlike Jill Greenberg, I don't betray the people who trust me to take their photo.
I don't lie to people and pretend like I want to make them look good, only to play a juvenile trick on them.

John McCain made the mistake of posing for Jill Greenberg. He trusted her, which is what you're supposed to do when a major magazine hires a professional photographer. Jill-the-cunt lit McCain from below for some 'special' shots.
Its a standard trick. You learn it in photo 101. Light someone from underneath, and it gives them a very unflattering look. It makes them look evil. The New York Post tells the story:

Asking McCain to "please come over here" for a final shot, Greenberg pretended to be using a standard modeling light.

The resulting photos depict McCain as devilish, with bulging brows and washed-out skin.

"He had no idea he was being lit from below," Greenberg said, adding that none of his entourage picked up on the light switch either. "I guess they're not very sophisticated," she said.

Bullshit, Jill.

I'm willing to bet that you told them that the light below was a 'fill light'.

Any photographer can set up a bunch of lights, and just have the one light pop during the shoot. There is no level of sophistication involved here. Unless someone is trained in photography, they won't notice that most of the light during that 1/250th of a second, when the flash pops, is coming from the light below them.

I would. But then I shoot headshots.

Unlike you, I treat all of my subjects with respect.

John McCain made the same mistake that Mylie Cyrus did, when she trusted Annie Lebowitz to take photos of her. Neither you nor Annie should be trusted to ever take someone's photo again. Annie because she somehow forgot that the girl she was taking provocative photos of, was a 16 year old girl. You, because you let your politics override your responsibility to treat every subject with respect.

Just in case you think that my politics are involved here, they are not.

This is what the New York Post said about Jill Greenberg's blog:

Her Web site now features a series of Photoshopped pics of McCain in some highly unflattering poses - including one that has a monkey squirting dung onto the Republican candidate's head.

Another one reads "I am a bloodthirsty warmongerer," with McCain retouched to have needle-sharp shark teeth and a vicious grin, while licking blood-smeared lips.

Greenberg was unapologetic about the assignment.


I think she should stick with that head-up-her-ass attitude. I think that any mag that hires her should be treated the same way as any mag who hires a pedophile.

Jill... you are a cunt.

You bespoil my profession. You are no better then the greasy fashion photographers who tell pre-pubescent women that they need to lose weight because they weigh 110 lbs, or the creepy guys who tell women that they only want to shoot their silouhette.

If it were up to me, every magazine would get a copy of the New York Post article with the headline "Jill Greenberg is a Cunt" pasted over it. With an unflattering photo of you with a beard. And devil horns. Because that's soooooo you. That's your style. Your 'sophistication'. Your grade level. Your idea of Art.

I hope that everyone sees your images so that they know how much of a cunt you are.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So much on Palin, that we need a summary

Luckily, ABC news gave a summary of what a lot of members of the press are saying about her. If you don't have a chance to read the hundreds of articles currently being written (I know. Pot. Kettle. Black. I'm guilty.) this is a fun article on how she's being received by the press.
The Note has the best quip about the Obama campaign responding to Palin:
The upside of insularity: There's no panic in Obamaland. The downside of insularity: There's no panic in Obamaland.

I think its time for them to panic.
The only likely voter poll that has Obama up (by one point) is Rassmussen.
The rest have the race tied, or McCain in the lead.

The Vogue cover story on Palin

In case you want to read it:
When term limits forced Palin out of the mayorship in 2002, she was appointed chairman of the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission by the Republican powers that be. The position seemed like a dream. With four children to raise and a husband whose blue-collar job pays an hourly wage, the six-figure salary was more than welcome, but it didn't take her long to become disillusioned by the unethical behavior she witnessed firsthand. "What I saw was so obviously wrong. I was so disappointed and shocked," she says. "Oil and gas revenue account for more than 80 percent of the state's budget, but Alaskans were never going to trust us if that was how we conducted business." When her complaints were ignored, Palin saw no choice but to resign in protest. The once golden girl was suddenly out of a job.
Its a good Palin primer, and might help people understand what McCain saw.

Factcheck clearing house on Palin

Newsweek has a good factcheck article on her.
Its a good place to start to address the rumors.

The little ACORN that could

I'd read before that Obama was connected to ACORN. But for whatever reason, I blew it off.

For those of you who don't know who ACORN is... they are an activist group that shows up at pretty much every rally. When they show up at anti-war rallies, they claim that the US is involved in "racist" wars.
But their random claims of racism are not the main reason why I find them to be threatening. I hate anyone... and I mean anyone, who resorts to violence to silence their critics.
ACORN uses brownshirt type tactics to silence their critics.

So let me start by telling you what their stated goal is: ACORN is a group that tries to get out the vote of low-income housing people.
(Here's a surprising fact: people who don't have jobs aren't always motivated to vote. Huh.)

Sometimes, when they do this, they tend to break the law. Just a little. As stated in this news report:
Investigators said questionable registration forms for new voters were collected by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, a group that works to improve minority and low-income communities.The four indicted -- Kwaim A. Stenson, Dale D. Franklin, Stephanie L. Davis and Brian Gardner -- were employed by ACORN as registration recruiters. They were each charged with two counts.

Basically those guys were turning in false registrations of voters. Its a fancy way of saying that they were inventing voters who didn't exist.

Now here's something interesting that the same report noted:
ACORN and Project Vote recruit and assign workers to low-income and minority neighborhoods to register people to vote.

If you don't recognize the name "Project Vote", that's the group that Obama was working for... a long time ago, in a land called Chicago. Its not as radical as ACORN, but they can sometimes get pretty out there. Both groups insist that there are people trying to suppress their vote. (See my comment, above, in parenthesis.)

Back to ACORN:

So what does Obama have to do with ACORN?
National Review has a great overview that summerizes the connection.
At least a few news reports have briefly mentioned Obama’s role in training Acorn’s leaders, but none that I know of have said what Foulkes reports next: that Obama’s long service with Acorn led many members to serve as the volunteer shock troops of Obama’s early political campaigns — his initial 1996 State Senate campaign, and his failed bid for Congress in 2000 (Foulkes confuses the dates of these two campaigns.) With Obama having personally helped train a new cadre of Chicago Acorn leaders, by the time of Obama’s 2004 U.S. Senate campaign, Obama and Acorn were “old friends,” says Foulkes.

If you're from Chicago, you know what this means. That's how Obama ends up going through the ranks of popularity. He starts out with the more radical organizations, and then works his way into the state senate, and eventually the US senate.

You can also read a great article by Michelle Malkin that explains ACORN better then I can.

You can also read the SunTimes article which brings up his ACORN connection.
In 1995, former Republican Gov. Jim Edgar refused to implement the federal "Motor Voter" law, which Republicans argued could invite fraud and which some Republicans feared could swell the ranks of Democratic voters.

The law mandated people be allowed to register to vote in government offices such as driver's license renewal centers.

Obama sued on behalf of ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. The League of Women Voters and other public-interest groups joined in.

For those of you who aren't from Chicago, Motor Voter was a drive to get more democratic votes. The professionally unemployed may not want to leave the house... but they have to in order to get their driver's license.

He also fought against 'red-lining'.
Obama represented Calvin Roberson in a 1994 lawsuit against Citibank, charging the bank systematically denied mortgages to African-American applicants and others from minority neighborhoods.

That's when banks denied home loans based on where people lived.

Let me reword that, for those of you who don't understand economics: banks were denying people home loans based on the 'radical' idea that some areas were too high of a risk to expect people to repay a loan.

-And just in case you still don't understand that concept: Look at the lending crisis in America right now. It was caused because banks were encouraged to give loans to people who might not be able to afford to pay them off.

But I'm getting waaaaay off track.
Back to ACORN. Obviously, this group has been connected with voter fraud more often then, say, Mayor Daley. So as Atlas Shrugs points out... why are they still allowed to do voter registration drives?

More importantly, why hasn't the national media followed the connections of Obama to this organization, and tried to find out more?
Don't get me wrong. I'm not seeing a conspiracy. I'm noticing the disinterest in finding out anything that might make him look.... messy.

How to get people to come to your speeches

Hire governor Palin.

According to this article on ABC news, McCain is suddenly having no problem getting people to come to his rallies.
Heck.. even the press is covering them now.
Saturday in Colorado Springs, about 10,000 people waved American flags at McCain's rally in an airport hangar there, and Friday in the town of Cedarburg, Wis., there were more people crowding the main street and the surrounding blocks than the population of the tiny town.

Palin is now the biggest threat to the Democratic establishment.
If you don't think this is worrying them, read this article in the Wall Street Journal. Every lawyer, lobbyist, and slimeball operative that the Democrats have is currently trying to find some dirt in her closet.

Which poll has Obama ahead?

Why... NBC news does.
The rest have the race at tied, or McCain ahead.
Go figure.

"Lipstick On A Pig"

Obama's getting all coy, and pretending like he didn't mean to make any comparison between Palin, and... pigs.
So let's start with Palin's comments about Hockey moms, just a week earlier.
Watch the video.

Now let's look at Obama's comments.
Watch where he pauses... right after the word 'pig'.

If he simply made a mistake, and forgot the lipstick comment the week before.... he's stupid.
If he did this on purpose... then he's desperate and calling his opponents pigs.

More balance at MSNBC. "Up next: Why is Obama so darned cute?"

To make their network seem more fair and balanced, MSNBC took Keith Olbermann off of their anchor desk. And then they hired an uber-liberal to follow Countdown.

I can't even make this kind of stuff up.
This is a video of the first part of her show:

It's weird. They hired on Rachel Meadow, who is something like Obama's bestest friend ever. Watch the video, and tell me what you think.
Particularly about how both of these supposed journalists don't think that Obama wants to "attack" his opponents... and how Palin is Liza Manelli.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Obama is sending out surrogates to attack Palin

According to the International Herald Tribune, advisors to Obama are going to have surrogates argue the case against Palin. Apparently, they're worried about Obama attacking her personally. So the Obama camp is getting democratic females to attack her personally.

Way to go, Dems. That's "classy".

Howard Finemen warns Democrats: Beware of the Barracuda

No, we're not talking about the members of Heart.
We're talking about the most evil women on the planet. Someone more evil then Bush!
[cue evil music]

Sarah Palin!

Howard Fineman, of Newsweek, warns Democrat of the peril of going against Palin.
He starts out with a fairly balanced article, but then gives Democrats this advice:
The first—and for Democrats, the most obvious—way to do so is on abortion. Palin doesn't believe in abortion even in cases of rape or incest. Pro-choice advocates concede her sincerity (she gave birth to a baby she knew was a Down-syndrome child), but are planning an extensive independent ad campaign aimed at women in swing states.

I know what you're thinking: Howard Fineman would do the same thing for Republicans. He's just a couple of articles away from telling Republicans how to beat Obama. It'll happen.

I was wondering what the media was going to do once Bush was out of office. They needed a Republican that was more evil then the most evil of all Republicans.
I guess they found their (wo)man.

US Magazine Follows Other Sheep

Earlier, I commented on the latest Time magazine cover that asked if Evangelicals were really supporting Palin.

Now we have US magazine, with the headline:
Babies, Lies, and Scandal

Note the title of the link; "sarah-palin-very-difficult-to-work-with"
At least the people at US magazine are all in agreement.
Baaaaah. Baaaaaaaah.

Anyway, I expect this to just be the first wave of magazine covers asking us, the dumb electorate, what we were thinking when we approved of her so much! We obviously don't understand how dangerous she is.

I just came back from the grocery store. Newsweek, btw, had both McCain and Palin on the cover. Naturally, I bent down to see what headline they used for the cover.
Would you be surprised to find out that they didn't use one?
I guess its the golden rule: When you can't think of anything nice to say....

Huffington Post sets up comment pages for each Palin family member

Photos of the Palin family members are printed on the Huffington Post, as reported by Moonbattery.

Naturally, the Moonbats can't keep their dumbass comments to themselves on the family members.
Do you suppose that any of the family members would be immune to comments from the left? Your answer would be 'no'. They even pick on Piper. Here's a quote from the comments, on Piper licking her hand and smoothing down her baby brother's hair:
That was nasty. What kind of backwoods, hillbilly crap was that?

Does Olbermann like Conspiracy theorists?

If you don't know who Alan Jones is... all you need to know is that he believes that 9/11 was a conspiracy.
Cool? You got the picture?
If not, you can go to his web page, and you'll get an idea of how out there he is.

For that matter, as you can see in this YouTube on this page, he actually ranted/attacked Michelle Malkin after she dared try to ask him some questions.

So I this with a grain of salt. But his web page insists that Olbermann is giving his group the thumbs-up.
I don't think that Olbermann is that out there.
I think.
Oh, and Olbermann was just fired from anchoring election night coverage. Sure took you guys a while to notice that he was hurting your ratings.
I should note that the main reason that I didn't set my DVR to NBC was because I didn't want to watch the convention while listening to Olbermann rant about how Republicans have ruined the world.
Thanks MSNBC.
Took you long enough.