Wednesday, September 17, 2008

'The Atlantic' apoligizes for McCain Photos

I have to hand it to 'The Atlantic'. Clearly, they are no fans of McCain. But they are all over this issue on the basis of journalistic integrity.

In a previous post, I wrote about how Jill Greenberg is a cunt. I wrote that because Jill took photos of McCain with an intent to make him look evil, and then bragged about it, altered those images, and put them online.

The reporter who wrote the story on McCain was appalled. So were other reporters from the magazine. They understood, correctly, that it made them look bad.
The reporter apoligized and expressed his outrage publicly. So did another reporter from the magazine. More recently, the magazine offered its apology to McCain, and suggested that they might sue the photographer over her duplicity.

I hope they do, and I hope they win big.
For those of you who don't know, Jill became famous for getting photos of crying toddlers. How did she get those photos? By giving them cool toys and candy, and then taking them away. That's right. Jill literally took candy from a baby.

It always amazes me when people accuse Republicans of being evil, and then you find out that those people literally take candy from a baby to get a good photo. Nice going, Jill. Your soul is completely intact.

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