Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Because I don't have enough posts with the word "Palin" in them

Here's the most shocking thing I've read in a long time. Ready for this?
Sun-Times columnist Mary Mitchell doesn't like Sarah Palin.
That surprised me.
Mary argues that a woman who became a mayor of a small town, who went on to become the most popular governor in the US, is a 'laughingstock to feminists.' I guess that if you really want to be a feminist, you have to be hated?
Frankly, Sarah Palin scares me.

Republicans always scare Democrats. Democrats are fearful of anyone who doesn't think like them, and of anyone who shows the regular use of a backbone.
But what's weird about Mary's column is that she is arguing that you can't be a governor of a big state if you have a family.
Even with a supportive husband, I doubt seriously that Palin has time to be a hockey mom unless she is making a personal appearance on a campaign trail.

What? Really? Is Mary making the argument against feminism?
After all, there's no such thing as a superwoman, and children of driven moms make their own sacrifices.

Now I know that I'm in a parallel universe. The left is telling me that its wrong for a woman to be both a mother and hold down a professional job.
What drove them in this direction? A strong Republican woman named Palin.

I now like Palin more then ever.

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