Sunday, September 21, 2008

John McCain wants to suppress POW info?

Of the nuttiest stories ever told during this campaign, the one that I hate the most is the idea that McCain has been trying to suppress knowledge about POWs that are still being held in captivity.

The guy behind this story is Sydney H. Schanberg, a Pulitzer winner who is an idiot. He previously wrote for the NY Times in 1975, and defended the rights of the Khemer Rouge in Cambodia:
In the news columns of The New York Times, the celebrated Sydney Schanberg wrote of Cambodians that ``it is difficult to imagine how their lives could be anything but better with the Americans gone.'' He dismissed predictions of mass executions in the wake of a Khmer Rouge victory: ``It would be tendentious to forecast such abnormal behavior as national policy under a Communist government once the war is over.'' On April 13, 1975, Schanberg's dispatch from Phnom Penh was headlined, ``Indochina without Americans: for most, a better life.''

This was stupid then, and Sydney is stupid now.
To suggest that McCain wants to hide any information about POWs from public consumption is not only reckless, but its not supported by facts. You don't have to believe me. Just go to the article, and look for meat. It doesn't exist.

It angers me to see someone who voluntarily stayed behind to support the morale of his POW cohorts being this badly maligned. Presumably, this is for political malice. If not, its journalistic malpractice.

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