Monday, September 01, 2008

Daily Kos thinks Palin faked her baby

I don't run a website where people maintain public diaries.

I say this, because if I did, I'd moderate the living fuck out of it. I wouldn't let any jag dork write something stupid that would make me look like an asshole later on.

For instance, oh.. I dunno... let's say that I insinuated that Palin isn't really the mother of Trig, her child who has Down's Syndrome.
Let's say that I accused her 16 year old daughter of having her.
You know? Like this jerk at DailyKos did:
Well, Sarah, I'm calling you a liar. And not even a good one. Trig Paxson Van Palin is not your son. He is your grandson. The sooner you come forward with this revelation to the public, the better.
Keep in mind, there is no proof of this. Its just a bunch of photos that the blogger found, and who apparently can't keep the dates correct on when they were taken.
He / she uses these photos to suggest that Sarah couldn't be pregnant at the time, because she doesn't look it. In the meantime, he/she points to a photo of the daughter and suggests that she looks like she might be pregnant in the photo.

This offends me on so many levels I don't know where to start. But I'll try.
1) If you're going to accuse a 16 year old girl of hiding the fact that she had a kid, you better have damn good evidence. At least something more then a burning desire to slander her mother. I think that whoever wrote that blog forgot that she is a 16 year old girl. Jackass, you just accused a 16 year old girl of getting pregnant and hiding her pregnancy. Dick move on your part.
2) An even more dickish move? To point to the photo of a 16 year old girl (a year ago) and go: "hey, she looks pregnant." Honestly, if this were my daughter, the originator of the post would find himself/herself on the receiving end of the first fist that I've ever thrown in anger.
3) Accusing someone of lying with no evidence. None. Unless you consider looking at misdated photographs, and writing out loud that she's not fat enough to be pregnant 'evidence'.

If it turns out that Trig really is her grandson, I will publicly apologize to the absolute jagoff who wrote that, print this post, and eat it. And I'll post photos of me eating it online.

In the meantime, its good to see that at least 5% of the population of The Daily Kos recognizes that posts like that only make them all look like assholes. Particularly when there are so many on that board that are saying things like, "Yeah! I'll bet the kid is her grandson!"

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