Monday, September 15, 2008

Jill Greenberg is a Cunt

That may be the second time I've ever called a woman a cunt.

But Jill Greenberg - the photographer who shoots covers for Time, Wired, the Atlantic, and other trendy mags - is a true cunt.

I get to say this because I'm also a photographer.
But unlike Jill Greenberg, I don't betray the people who trust me to take their photo.
I don't lie to people and pretend like I want to make them look good, only to play a juvenile trick on them.

John McCain made the mistake of posing for Jill Greenberg. He trusted her, which is what you're supposed to do when a major magazine hires a professional photographer. Jill-the-cunt lit McCain from below for some 'special' shots.
Its a standard trick. You learn it in photo 101. Light someone from underneath, and it gives them a very unflattering look. It makes them look evil. The New York Post tells the story:

Asking McCain to "please come over here" for a final shot, Greenberg pretended to be using a standard modeling light.

The resulting photos depict McCain as devilish, with bulging brows and washed-out skin.

"He had no idea he was being lit from below," Greenberg said, adding that none of his entourage picked up on the light switch either. "I guess they're not very sophisticated," she said.

Bullshit, Jill.

I'm willing to bet that you told them that the light below was a 'fill light'.

Any photographer can set up a bunch of lights, and just have the one light pop during the shoot. There is no level of sophistication involved here. Unless someone is trained in photography, they won't notice that most of the light during that 1/250th of a second, when the flash pops, is coming from the light below them.

I would. But then I shoot headshots.

Unlike you, I treat all of my subjects with respect.

John McCain made the same mistake that Mylie Cyrus did, when she trusted Annie Lebowitz to take photos of her. Neither you nor Annie should be trusted to ever take someone's photo again. Annie because she somehow forgot that the girl she was taking provocative photos of, was a 16 year old girl. You, because you let your politics override your responsibility to treat every subject with respect.

Just in case you think that my politics are involved here, they are not.

This is what the New York Post said about Jill Greenberg's blog:

Her Web site now features a series of Photoshopped pics of McCain in some highly unflattering poses - including one that has a monkey squirting dung onto the Republican candidate's head.

Another one reads "I am a bloodthirsty warmongerer," with McCain retouched to have needle-sharp shark teeth and a vicious grin, while licking blood-smeared lips.

Greenberg was unapologetic about the assignment.


I think she should stick with that head-up-her-ass attitude. I think that any mag that hires her should be treated the same way as any mag who hires a pedophile.

Jill... you are a cunt.

You bespoil my profession. You are no better then the greasy fashion photographers who tell pre-pubescent women that they need to lose weight because they weigh 110 lbs, or the creepy guys who tell women that they only want to shoot their silouhette.

If it were up to me, every magazine would get a copy of the New York Post article with the headline "Jill Greenberg is a Cunt" pasted over it. With an unflattering photo of you with a beard. And devil horns. Because that's soooooo you. That's your style. Your 'sophistication'. Your grade level. Your idea of Art.

I hope that everyone sees your images so that they know how much of a cunt you are.


Anonymous said...

If anyone had it coming, it was McCain. After lying about Obama and lying to the American people, it's alittle bit of karma.

This is my favorite of Jill's pieces.

Good work, Jill.

ChicagoJohn said...

Let me get this straight: if someone lies, you believe that someone should take advantage of them for 'karma's' sake... right?

Have you been to
Both candidates have been found to have been lying about the other.
So what makes Obama special?
Does this mean that someone who has been hired to photograph Obama should also have license to take advantage of him?

But all of this is jumping past the real issue here, which is a photographer who is a cunt.

As the other poster (and female photographer) agreed, it was petty.
It was also bad photography. But I decided not to go there in my post.

Anonymous said...

I was reading about this whole thing on another site and I saw her photo and thought, "Jill Greenberg is a cunt." So I googled that exact phrase and lo and behold, I'm not the only one who thinks so.


ChicagoJohn said...

Thanks Cb, and Drew.
Its not a word I normally would use. In fact, I think its one of those words that if I ever used in front of my mother, she would have disowned me.

But there are uses for special words, and I think that Jill has earned the right to be called a cunt. Congratulations Jill. 4 out of 5 posters think that you are a cunt.

Drew: I'd hate to know what other things came up with that particular word search. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Ironically, I also Googled "Jill Greenberg is a cunt" and came across this blog. What she did was low. I'm sure it's made her a lot of money, but there are lots of cunts in this world who make big money by hurting others.