Saturday, September 06, 2008

All Palin, all the time

If you haven't guessed - like most conservatives - I'm thrilled with her.

We finally have a Republican who won't pull punches. Like Reagan, who famously made fun of Liberals (and made the word an insult that year), Palin has the gift of making a great point.
It was soooo good, that even the people doing commentary for CNN had to give her high scores. 4 out of 5 gave Sarah an "A" on her speech.

I had DVR'd her speech since I was working when she delivered it. I ended up watching it at 2am, punching my fist in the air throughout it, and marveling at the fact that she was calling the Dems out on their bullshit.

My favorite moments? Palin:
  • Spoke about how she had been criticized by Obama for merely being a mayor of a small town, and 'conceding' that she had never been a community organizer.
  • Young daughter Piper. A little girl who couldn't have been more perfectly cast to look like the ultimate little girl. She was holding the baby when the camera caught her licking her own palm, and then using it to straighten out the babies hair.
  • Talking about Iraq, and how the Dems never use the word "Victory" when talking about Iraq.
  • Calling out how the Dems avoided using the word "terrorist" for four days.
  • Centering in on Obama's tax proposals, and how taxes aren't the fix for a bad economy.
Some things you might have missed about her speech.
From "Live Feed", a television summary blog:

Palin pulled in 37.2 million viewers across broadcast and cable networks, according to Nielsen Media Research.

That's 55% higher than Day 3 of the DNC, when her Democratic counterpart, Joe Biden, and President Clinton took the stage (24 million).

That's huge, and its why the Dems are scared shitless.

They did not see this coming. They tried to portray this as a desperate move on the part of the Republicans. They seriously underestimated Palin, and McCain himself.

How badly?

According to Brietbart, the Republican convention...

...marked the end of an astonishing run where more than 40 million people watched political speeches on three nights by Obama, McCain and Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The Republican convention was the most-watched convention on television ever, beating a standard set by the Democrats a week earlier.

Read that again. The Republican convention was the most watched convention on television. Ever. In one fell swoop, Palin dropped a speech bomb on Obama.

She has a 58% approval rating, according to Rasmussen. How big is that?

Perhaps most stunning is the fact that Palin’s favorable ratings are now a point higher than either man at the top of the Presidential tickets this year. As of Friday morning, Obama and McCain are each viewed favorably by 57% of voters.

Its yet to be seen whether or not Palin has a positive effect on the McCain camp. (I can't imagine her not having some effect, but I'm horrible at these predictions.)

However, a poll by CBS has the two presidential candidates essentially, even:

The presidential race between Barack Obama and John McCain is now even at 42 percent, according to a new CBS News poll conducted Monday-Wednesday of this week.


Its no wonder that every Democratic lawyer/investigator in the Obama camp is running to Alaska to try to dig up some dirt on Palin.

Of course, that could be a problem in itself. You see, Sarah Palin is horribly popular in her home state. Ya know, that might just be why she was picked, rather then the media concluding that she was picked because she's a girl.

According to the Anchorage Daily News, from an article written in May of 2007:

With the latest poll showing her approval rating at 89 percent, Gov. Sarah Palin may now be the most popular governor in the nation.

Okay... so lets suppose you are a presidential candidate. Your obvious 'go-to' for a vice president is a governor. Who do you go with?

Maybe the most popular governor in your party? Ya think? Particularly one who delivers speeches like Palin does, with that spirit that she captures?


Anonymous said...

We're not scared shitless out here.

Palin will crumble, especially if she continues to insult the work of people who choose to serve others, and if she keeps refusing to do interviews.

No Sunday shows this week? Strange for someone running for high office and who would presumably need all the press she could muster.

Enjoy the moment. That's all it is. A moment.

ChicagoJohn said...

Why in the world would she need to do Sunday interviews this week?
Do you think she's not getting press?
Did you not read this stat I wrote in my post above?

"Perhaps most stunning is the fact that Palin’s favorable ratings are now a point higher than either man at the top of the Presidential tickets this year. As of Friday morning, Obama and McCain are each viewed favorably by 57% of voters."

I'll tell you what.
I'll 'hunt' for news about her, and let you know what I find.
