Monday, September 08, 2008

A Palin Rumor Clearing House

This is a brilliant idea, and one that I thought of a while back for George Bush.
This blogger has decided to start a rumor clearing house for Sarah Palin. Any rumor that you might have heard about her is either dismissed or confirmed here.

How many rumors can there be? She's only been in the running for something like two weeks.

But there's already Sixty, count 'em, Sixty rumors about Palin on the web (and worse yet) in major news stories.

The most disturbing ones to me? The people who take a serious amount of time out of their day to photoshop images. Sarah in a bikini. Sarah nude. Sarah (no kidding) as a teen.
As a photographer, the poor photoshopping skills annoy me.

As a Republican, the dishonesty of it all just makes me mad. And ready to vote.


Anonymous said...

I trust, then, that you twitter in the same self-righteous indignation every time someone parrots that bullshit about Obama being a muslim or refusing to take his oath of office on a Bible...

ChicagoJohn said...


I don't think its self-rightous to defend someone against lies.

Unlike the left, I don't buy into every piece of slander that people are selling about the opposing candidate.

Right here:

Two posts previous, I wrote:
"No, I don't think that Obama is a muslim."

So yeah, I think its fair to say that I've defended Obama against the worst of the lies... even when Obama slips and makes it sound like he's confirming the lies.
