Monday, September 08, 2008

The NY Times is trying to figure out Palin

It seems that the New York Times is all over the place trying to explain why Palin is so popular.

First, Frank Rich defines irony by attacking Palin, and talking about how smug and nasty she was when she made fun of Obama. (Frank goes on to attack Palin for defending her pregnant daughter's privacy while being pro-life. Go figure.)

The week before, the Times was telling us that Palin was sloppily vetted. Which was the original narrative that all of the press was going with, since they didn't know who Palin was. (If the press doesn't know who someone is, then how can anyone know???)

But then there is this article. What sets this one apart is that the Times (who at one point tried to characterize Palin's appointment as a desparate move) is not suggesting that it was a masterstroke of planning on an advisor's part.
In the three months since that night in June, the McCain organization has become a campaign transformed: an elbows-out, risk-taking, disciplined machine that was on display here last week at the Republican convention that nominated Mr. McCain. And the catalyst for the change has largely been Mr. Schmidt, 37, a veteran of the winning 2002 Congressional and 2004 presidential campaigns, where he worked closely with Karl Rove, then Mr. Bush’s senior strategist.

A few days from now, when the polls settle in (they are all up in a huge way for McCain) the NY Times will have to write a new story explaining how someone else... not McCain, Palin, or even Schmidt, is to be given credit for picking Palin.
Maybe they'll credit Obama for it.
That would kind of fit.

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