Wednesday, September 17, 2008

An Obama Facist Show

As long as we're talking about how facists take over, let's do a study in facist Fashion.

This flickr website is a primer.
In honor of fashion week, having just returned from the Democratic Convention, and the fact that Palin and McCain belittled community organizing in their speeches, I decided to have an Obama themed fashion show: AuH2Obama! On Thursday, Sept. 11 at Cafe 81, pretty ladies modeled Obama dresses, I handed out free Obama buttons and stickers, sold AuH2Obama tops for only $20 and donated 50% of the profits to the campaign. What did you say about community organizing, Sarah Palin?

I can't speak for Sarah, but it spooks me whenever someone creates a complete line of fashion around a politician. (See: Che, See: Stalin, See: Hitler.)

Of course, this is all about good fashion. Right? So let's take a look. Tell me if you think that any of those articles of fashion make you wonder.

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